
Start by posting in the #🧡│bkl-league and #🧡│let's-play channels on Discord to find an opponent. Mention your availability. Everyone's Discord name will have their BKL rank in their name, so there’s no need to mention it separately.

BKL Rankings are Different than OGS

Benkyo League has its own ranking system that may be different from your OGS rank. Because of this, skip the auto handicap since it assumes the handicap should be based on OGS ranks, which could mess up the game setup.

Game Time Controls

BKL games have specific time settings to ensure fair play and sufficient thinking time. The default time controls are:

  • Byo-Yomi Timing: 20 minutes main time + 5 periods of 30 seconds Byo-Yomi.
  • Alternative Fischer Timing: If both players agree, you can use Fischer Timing with 10 minutes main time and 20 seconds increment per move, up to a maximum of 1 hour.

Shorter time settings are not allowed, and games with shortened time settings will be disqualified. Longer time settings are allowed if both players agree.

Different Game Types

Game Type Impact on BKL Ranking Handicap Speed Frequency Special Notes
Title Tournament Games Does not impact BKL ranking Members can agree to different handicaps than BKL ranks indicate Default time settings (20m + 5x30s Byo-Yomi); longer times allowed by agreement Up to three times per month between any two members Awards Titles, fun monthly free-for-all event
Placement Games Determines starting position Usually played as even games Default time settings (20m + 5x30s Byo-Yomi) Played at the beginning of membership Results are recorded as Title Tournament Games
Main League Games Directly impacts BKL standing Follow standard league rules Default time settings (20m + 5x30s Byo-Yomi) Regularly scheduled league matches Ensure all settings are correct before starting

Title Tournament Games

Title Tournament (TT) games are fun monthly free-for-all events that do not impact your BKL ranking. Members can agree to handicap these games differently than BKL ranks would indicate, but players are not allowed to play them at speeds faster than the standard league time settings. The Title Tournament allows play between any two members of the league up to three times per month and awards Titles.

Placement Games

Placement games determine your starting position in the league. They’re usually played as even games, and once completed, the results are recorded in our official scoreboard as Title Tournament Games.

Main League Games

Main League Games are ranked and directly impact your BKL standing. These games follow the standard league rules and settings, so make sure everything is set up correctly before you start.

How to Start League Games

When starting a league game, it's crucial to set it up correctly. Below are guidelines for both even and uneven games.

Remember, never use auto handicap because it relies on OGS ranks, which might not match BKL ranks. Also, it's a good idea to verify the game info before starting to ensure everything aligns with league standards. If in doubt, ask your opponent or a league coordinator for assistance.

Even Games - Same BKL Rank

  • Handicap: None
  • Komi: Automatic (should be 6.5 for white)
  • Color: Random
  • Time Settings: Default Byo-Yomi Timing (20m + 5x30s)
game settings

Always double-check these settings before you hit start, just to be sure everything's set up right. If something looks off, don't hesitate to cancel and set up the challenge again.

Uneven Games - Different BKL Rank

  • Handicap: Add 1 stone for every difference in BKL rank
  • Komi: Automatic (0.5 for black in all handicap games)
  • Color: Manually assign to ensure the stronger player gets the correct color
  • Time Settings: Default Byo-Yomi Timing (20m + 5x30s)
game settings

Shorter time settings are not allowed, but longer times are permitted if both players agree. Games with shortened time settings will be disqualified.

Game Naming and Submission

Properly naming and submitting your game is essential for it to be counted in the league.

Game Naming

Games must be labeled appropriately to be recognized as league games. Use one of the following labels in your game title:

  • Main League Games: "BenKyo League Main League" or similar.
  • Title Tournament Games: "BenKyo League Title Tournament" or similar.
  • Hero Mode Games: Include "Hero Mode" in the title.

If the game is not labeled properly and doesn’t mention the specific game type (e.g., TT for Title Tournament), it will be entered as a Main League game by default.

Game Submission

Before the game starts, post the game link in the #🧡│bkl-link-submission channel on Discord. This allows other league members to observe the game.

If no one posted it when the game starts, post it as soon as possible after the game begins. There's no need to submit the results separately; posting the game link automatically submits the result, and the Spreadsheet Team will record it.

No-Shows and Scheduling Issues

Sometimes, scheduling conflicts or unforeseen circumstances may occur. Here's how to handle cancellations, no-shows, and forfeits.


If you receive notice of a cancellation within 24 hours of the scheduled game time, you are entitled to claim a forfeit. To claim the win, report the cancellation to admins. Either player can report this occurrence. If the aggrieved does not claim a forfeit, the game may be rescheduled.


At the time of a scheduled game, ping your opponent in the #🧡│let's-play channel. After 5-10 minutes, send them a private message. If they do not show up within 20 minutes, the game is forfeit. It is not reversible and the game cannot be rescheduled. Inform the spreadsheet team of the forfeit so it can be recorded. If requested, provide documentation of the scheduling and cancellation (screen captures, for example).


Forfeits result in 3 points for the winner, and 0 points (instead of 2 points) for the loser. Forfeits do not affect BKL rating.


No double-dipping league games; all games in the Main League or Title Tournament must be exclusively BenKyo League (BKL) games. The game must not be part of another tournament or league and must be labeled with "BenKyo League" in the game name.

For example, a BenKyo League game cannot also be an NAOL, AYD, or any other league's game. However, a BenKyo League game can be a Western Server Challenge game since that is not a league but just a contest that looks at how many games you play on certain server(s) in a month.


Use of tools (including analysis, AI, and Joseki Dictionaries) and consultation is prohibited during the game. Potential cheating can be brought to the attention of BKL Admins (purple Discord members). If admins suspect cheating, they will investigate and may involve BenKyo at any point during this process.

Cheaters will be removed from the league, may have all their access removed from BKL/Study Group/Patreon member channels, and may be removed or banned from the BenKyo Baduk HQ Discord server. Cheaters will lose all Hall of Fame entries and any associated (league prize) lesson credit.

Technical Issues

Technical issues, anything from internet disconnection to mis-clicks to blunders, do not invalidate losses. Players are not expected to allow an undo. Loss by internet disconnection (according to OGS) counts.